i created a surface tessellation made of triangles. this script is based on the use of recursive function (a function that calls itself). triangles are divided in two part until the distance between triangle centre and his projection on the surface is less than a value adjustable by the user.
Option Explicit
'Script written by andrea bugli
' http://andbug.blogspot.com
'Script version venerdì 6 febbraio 2009 15.11.11
'I've seen an interesting surface tessellation on http://www.opensys-log.com/ and I tried to do something different
Call Main()
Sub Main()
Call rhino.Enableredraw(False)
Dim idsrf: idsrf = rhino.getobject ("select surface", 8, True, True)
If isnull(idsrf) Then Exit Sub
Dim udomain: udomain = rhino.surfacedomain(idsrf, 0)
Dim vdomain: vdomain = rhino.SurfaceDomain(idsrf, 1)
Dim u0: u0 = udomain(0)
Dim u1: u1 = udomain(1)
Dim v0: v0 = vdomain(0)
Dim v1: v1 = vdomain(1)
Dim A: A = rhino.EvaluateSurface(idsrf, array(u0,v0))
Dim B: B = rhino.evaluatesurface(idsrf, array(u1,v0))
Dim C: C = rhino.evaluatesurface(idsrf, array(u1,v1))
Dim D: D = rhino.EvaluateSurface(idsrf, array(u0,v1))
Call recursivetriangle(idsrf, A, B, D)
Call recursivetriangle(idsrf, B, C, D)
Call rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
End Sub
Sub recursivetriangle(ByVal idsrf, ByVal A, ByVal B, ByVal D)
Dim distAB: distAB = rhino.distance(A, B)
Dim distBD: distBD = rhino.Distance(B, D)
Dim distAD: distAD = rhino.Distance(A, D)
Dim arrdist: arrdist = array(distAB, distBD, distAD)
arrdist = rhino.sortnumbers(arrdist,True)
Dim H,K,J
If distAB = arrdist(2) Then
H = A
K = B
J = D
End If
If distBD = arrdist(2) Then
H = B
K = D
J = A
End If
If distAD = arrdist(2) Then
H = A
K = D
J = B
End If
Dim Z(2)
Z(0) = (H(0)+K(0))/2
Z(1) = (H(1)+K(1))/2
Z(2) = (H(2)+K(2))/2
Dim Zuv: Zuv = rhino.surfaceclosestpoint(idsrf, Z)
Dim Zp: Zp = rhino.evaluatesurface (idsrf, Zuv)
Dim distcurv: distcurv = rhino.distance (Zp, Z)
Dim distang: distang = rhino.Distance (H, K)
If (distcurv < 0.15) and (distang< 5) Then
Call extrudedomain (idsrf, A, B, D)
Call recursivetriangle (idsrf, H, J, Zp)
Call recursivetriangle (idsrf, K, J, Zp)
End If
End Sub
Sub extrudedomain (ByVal idsrf, ByVal T, ByVal S, ByVal P)
Dim Tuv: Tuv = rhino.surfaceclosestpoint(idsrf,T)
Dim Suv: Suv = rhino.surfaceclosestpoint(idsrf,S)
Dim Puv: Puv = rhino.surfaceclosestpoint(idsrf,P)
Dim nT: nT = rhino.SurfaceNormal(idsrf, Tuv)
Dim nS: nS = rhino.SurfaceNormal(idsrf, Suv)
Dim nP: nP = rhino.SurfaceNormal(idsrf, Puv)
Dim E: E = rhino.vectoradd(T, nT)
Dim F: F = rhino.vectoradd(S, nS)
Dim G: G = rhino.vectoradd(P, nP)
Dim idbase: idbase = rhino.addcurve(array(T,S,P,T), 2)
Dim idtop: idtop = rhino.AddCurve(array(E,F,G,E), 2)
'changing last numbers give different types of curve
Dim centrebase(2)
centrebase (0) = (T(0)+S(0)+P(0))/3
centrebase (1) = (T(1)+S(1)+P(1))/3
centrebase (2) = (T(2)+S(2)+P(2))/3
Dim centretop(2)
centretop (0) = (E(0)+F(0)+G(0))/3
centretop (1) = (E(1)+F(1)+G(1))/3
centretop (2) = (E(2)+F(2)+G(2))/3
Dim idtopscal: idtopscal = rhino.scaleobject(idtop, centretop, array(0.5,0.5,0.5),True)
Dim idbasescal: idbasescal = rhino.scaleobject(idbase, centrebase, array(0.8,0.8,0.8),True)
'create other two curves that are lofted to obtain a new surface
Call rhino.AddLoftSrf(array(idbase,idbasescal,idtopscal,idtop,idbase, , , , , ,True))
Call rhino.deleteobject(idbase)
Call rhino.DeleteObject(idtop)
Call rhino.DeleteObject(idtopscal)
Call rhino.DeleteObject(idbasescal)
End Sub
Thanks Andrea, actually I think this script has very good potential... keep on scripting!